The Government of the province delivered social housing - El Liberal

2022-07-22 10:50:23 By : Mr. Kevin Guo

The Minister of Social Development of the province, Ángel Niccolai, on behalf of Governor Gerardo Zamora, led this Thursday afternoon the delivery of 14 social homes to families in the city of Sumampa and also in rural areas of the Quebrachos and Salavina departments.The houses are distributed in the Municipal, San Ramón and El Escondido neighborhoods, and in the San Francisco, La Higuera (Quebrachos) and Taco Isla (Salavina) areas.The housing units were built by the Municipality of Sumampa under the responsibility of Marcelo Bernasconi, with contributions from the Province granted through the program administered by the Ministry of Social Development.Act During the ceremony, diplomas and the corresponding keys were awarded to the 14 beneficiary families.After his words of welcome, Bernasconi praised this housing policy carried out by the Government of the province and highlighted: “This program is of great importance in the province;today we can reach 365 homes and in October we will reach 400. The idea is that there are no ranch homes left in the provincial territory, generate jobs and we will continue to achieve it in the best way”.At his turn, Niccolai said: “We accompany the joy of the families who today receive their new homes from this corner of the interior.I wish that they can project themselves in the future, in terms of objectives, hopes and expectations.From the Government we will be promoting actions to generate more possibilities for all”.The latest from country© EL LIBERAL SA (see mobile version) Editorial Director: Lic. Gustavo Eduardo Ick Santiago del Estero / Argentine Republic